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Redesigning the DigiPEn Website

The DigiPen website's main audience is prospective students, so current students assume there's nothing there for them due to lack of clarity and accessibility. The goal of this project was to improve the user experience of the DigiPen website for current students.


My solution was to modify the layout of the "student portal" section of DigiPen website to be more user friendly, making navigation intuitive and emphasizing new and important information.


Final Product

  • Headers for high traffic areas

  • Hamburger menu for lesser visited links

  • Front page is topical information

  • Lots of pictures

The final wireframe takes the user feedback of the previous three into account, along with few editions. I combined the header with the hamburger menu so the high traffic links will be readily visible and the lower traffic links are hidden behind another click. Users seemed to like the header image so I made sure to include that, as well as a short description of the page. Since the header covers the high traffic links, the front page would be more topical information, like current events and school-wide updates. This page should be changing pretty often, and stay friendly so students will want to come back and get news from here.


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